Here Are The 10 Symptoms That You Might Be Gluten Intolerant

Watch this video of Dr. Axe on Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms & Side Effects

To be on the safe side you need to go through multiple tests to clearly figure out what the specific conditions are in your personal case. However looking at the experience of Daisy Luther  there is more to wheat than just testing various Gluten intolerances and sensitivity…. Glyphosate, also known as Monsanto’s  weedkiller Roundup. Click here to read the article: Another Reason why Wheat is Toxic and Gluten is not the problem.

If you are looking for a great resource to really understand the issues and solutions to the Gluten dilemma in detail, you can get access to the 30 Hours interviews with Dr. O’Bryan and the world’s experts and opinion leaders on Gluten and Celiac Disease from the 2014 Gluten E-summit “A grain of truth”.  The summit material are available in form of a digital “All Access  Package” for $97 or the “Gluten Summit Refernce Library “as a physical and digital combo pack for $497. Furthermore Dr. O’Bryan also offers a specific best supplement to break down the gluten proteins.



It’s frustrating to be dealing with Gluten Intolerance and sometimes it may make you feel overwhelmed. We found a great musical parody musical parody of Les Miserables about the plight of finding allergen-free substitutes. “One Grain More” is a great “edutaiment” (Education + Entertainment) to bring you some laughter as well as relief that you are not alone.

“One Grain More” was conceived and written by musical theater composer Michael Bihovsky

For Michael, activism for chronic illness goes far beyond writing musical parodies about food allergies (although that certainly is a fun part of it). Working through dramatic and literary art, Michael has two goals:

• To bring global awareness of the massive numbers of people suffering from
chronic, and often “invisible” illnesses.

• To provide chronically ill patients with a cathartic means to manage their illnesses,
and to help them build a philosophy that allows them to live full and rich lives.

Click here to find out more about Michael’s work.


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