8 Walnut Nutrients for Your Body and Brain

6. Phytosterols for Cholesterol

Walnuts are source of phytosterols with around 30 mg per ounce. Phytosterols are plant sterols that have been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, but you need a lot more from other sources to make a noticeable difference in this area.

Ground flaxseed is an even higher source and is also rich in omega-3s, soluble fiber and anti-estrogenic lignans.

7. Fiber In Walnuts

Walnuts are considered quite a high fiber food and this is yet another reason why walnuts are good for you. Just eating a handful of walnuts provides approximately 2 grams of dietary fiber for your digestive tract.

8. Protein with Low Carbohydrates

Like most nuts, walnuts are low in carbohydrates with under 4 grams per ounce. This makes them a blood sugar stable food to eat between meals that won’t make you hungry in the way sugary or grain based foods tend to.

Walnuts are a reasonable source of protein though, particularly for vegetarians and vegans, with more than 4 grams in an ounce of the fresh nuts. This isn’t complete protein but you can make it so by combining them with other nuts and seeds.

In fact, mixed nuts and seeds are great way to get a broad range of nutritional benefits and are a convenient and filling snack that you can take to work or have in your bag when out.

Let’s dive in: 🙂


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