Better Than Pills! 10 Natural Antibiotics That Accelerate Healing

The excessive use of antibiotics in the last decades has lead to an all-time high in drug-resistant bacteria.

The excessive use of pharmaceutical antibiotics has proven to be counter productive in the long term. Drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs” are now evolving faster than scientists can figure out how to fight them. It’s time to go back to Nature. Long before pharmaceutical antibiotics were developed and mass produced in the 1940s, our ancestors had found  foods and herbs that helped guard against infection and disease on a daily basis. Till this day, many of these natural properties are still used by holistic healers around the globe.

Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills

Oregano and the oil of oregano

You’ve probably used oregano as a flavoring in your favorite Italian dishes without even realizing the health benefits that it contains. Beyond its antibacterial properties, oregano can help with digestion and aid in weight loss. An oil that is found in oregano, Carvacrol, has been found to fight the bacteria that can lead to infections. The oil of oregano has been found to treat digestive infections, and even one particular yeast infection. It is more than just a food flavoring.


Ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to treat wounds and prevent infection.

Civilizations all over the world continue to consider honey one of the best natural antibiotics, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, and antiseptics known to man after thousands of years.

New Zealand’s Manuka honey has been proven to have the highest levels of antioxidants and curative powers.

An enzyme found in honey releases hydrogen peroxide. This process helps your body fight infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. Soothing to the digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps your liver operate more efficiently.

A great boost to the immune system, consider combining honey with cinnamon to strengthen your white blood cells! Raw, organic honey is the best option since most pasteurization methods kills the antioxidant effects.


This spice isn’t just rich in color and flavor, but it also products your body against harm. Turmeric and be both consumed and applied externally, making it a great choice for fighting against bacteria. For extra benefit, from combining two bacteria fighting substances, you can mix turmeric with honey and create a paste to apply to infected areas on your skin.

You can protect your body against infections and bacteria based sicknesses by taking advantage of these safe and natural remedies that are available in the average kitchen. Protect your body without the use of prescription drugs by using honey, oregano, garlic, echinacea, and turmeric.



Flavorful and wonderful on a piece of butter toast, this plant also has very powerful qualities to it. Garlic can fight such simple infections as the common cold, pushing the germs away before they have a change to disrupt your life. Using the allicin that it contains, garlic protects against yeast, parasites, bacteria, and more. If you are looking for a simple way to live healthier, add more garlic to your diet.


So, you might not have as much experience with this product, but it is a safe herb that is found in many kitchens. The consumption of this herb has been proven to reduce the amount of colds that a person deals with in their life, and shorten the colds that the person does have to face. This herb is a great choice when taken as a preventative measure.

To find out more about the other 5 Natural Antibiotics, check out the original content at Health Wire



10 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills


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