9 Simple Ways To Alkalize Your Body

Acidity has been linked to pain, excess weight and many other health issues. Fortunately, making your body more alkaline (the opposite of acidic) is easy.  Here are 9 simple ways to alkalize your body for more energy and vitality:

How to improve your alkalinity

1. Check your pH regularly

2. Drink plenty of water (alkaline water when possible)

3. Remove acidic foods

4. Replace a traditional lunch with a large green salad.

5. Use lettuce leaves and collard greens as wraps.

6. Try not to consume processed foods

7. Eliminate soda, sugars and coffee. Replace them with herbal tea, herbal coffee and green drinks

8. Replace dairy milks with coconut or almond milk

9. Add green juices or smoothies to your diet

 Check out our visual guide to help you identify top Acidic vs Alkaline Foods 


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