5 Reasons Why Chia Seed is The Healthiest Food in The world

Chia seeds are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet. They are full of nutrients that can have significant benefits on your body and brain. We present 5 healthcare benefits of Chia seeds, which are supported and proven in scientific studies.

  1. Regulates blood sugar

The gelatin casing that chia seeds create when exposed to fluids can prevent the supply of sugar in the blood. Studies even see the chia seeds as a natural treatment for type 2 diabetes, because of the ability for slow digestion.

Fact Plus: It contains two times more potassium than a banana.

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2. Helps in losing fat around the stomach

Chia has a positive effect on blood sugar, which is struggling with insulin resistance, which may contribute to increased fat in the abdomen. Some add chia seeds in the diet to combat this resistance and help your stomach to feel and look great.

Fact Plus: Better source of carbohydrates in relation to any other grain.

3. A large amount of omega-3

Chia seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, with nearly five grams in two tablespoons. These fats are important for the brain health.

Fact Plus: There are eight times more omega-3 than in a salmon.

4. Many proteins

Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and contain no cholesterol. 28 grams of chia seeds contains 4.4 grams of protein, almost 10 percent of your ideal daily intake.

Fact plus: “Ghia” is an ancient Mayan word for “strength.”

5. Good alternative for eggs

Chia is a great vegan alternative for eggs. The outer layer of the seed forms a gel when mixed with liquid and has the same properties as the egg. Use chia seeds in your cooking to increase the nutritional level of food and baked goods.

Fact Plus: It contains seven times more vitamin C than an orange.

In the video Below, Dr. Oz explains how you can get more energy out of your life.

Go to 3:52 when Dr. Oz tells you why Chia Seed is so powerful.

We attribute our content to the amazing Healthy Food Team


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